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An integrated approach

At Terros Health, we take an integrated approach because we believe a person’s mind and body represent whole health.

Treating the whole patient

At Terros Health we treat the whole patient. Listen to Robert’s story of recovery and how our integrated care model helped him live a healthier...
Integrated health care: The best type of care for your family

Integrated health care: The best type of care for your family

Physical and mental health conditions used to be treated in silos. As a result, patients would see a doctor for one condition while another condition may have gone unnoticed. Today, that is beginning to change with organizations like Terros Health adopting an...
A family heals

A family heals

After experiencing a tragic loss, one Phoenix family benefitted from the whole person/whole health care approach provided by the Terros Health team. The mother, father and three children receive primary and behavioral health services throughour 27th Avenue Integrated Care location.