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Climbing to recovery,
one step at a time.

L.A.D.D.E.R stands for life-affirming, dual-diagnosis, education and recovery. Our LADDER program works with adults in need of both mental health and substance use treatment. LADDER is a time-intensive day treatment program that offers structure in a supportive manner. Our clinical experts provide treatment for adults living with co-occurring disorders through group counseling and clinical activities. Patients attend services 3-5 days per week, service duration has an average length of 3-4 months and is tailored to each patient’s individual needs and progress. ¡Hablamos Español! Our LADDER program is also offered in Spanish.

Monday – Friday
9:30am – 3pm

Our LADDER program includes free transportation options, complimentary breakfast and lunch, and a personalized treatment plan so patients can fully participate in their recovery goals.

Self-empowerment is possible,
learn about our services.


We accept you where you are in recovery.
We will help you develop strong coping skills through supportive counseling that will get you one step closer to recovery.

Support System

We promote family and community support. Our goal is to empower you to lead a healthier, happier lifestyle.


We provide transportation to and from our LADDER program.


Your team will connect you with community resources and provide you with on-going care during your recovery process.

Visit or call any of our locations!

 LADDER Program
 51st Avenue Health Center

 LADDER Program
 McDowell Health Center

Frequently Asked Questions

How long is the LADDER program?

Patients attend services three (3) to five (5) days per week. Service duration has an average length of three (3) to four (4) months and is tailored to each patient’s individual needs and progress.

How do I get started?

You can call any of our two locations within the Phoenix area, or email:
If you have a case manager, we can coordinate your services with them directly. You can also visit our LADDER programs in person.

Northwest Phoenix
LADDER Program
51st Avenue Health Center
Call: 602-685-6127

East Phoenix
LADDER Program
McDowell Health Center
Call: 602-512-2984

What if I need help with transportation?

If you live within our pickup areas, we’ll provide you with free transportation to and from the LADDER program. If you live outside of our pickup areas, your AHCCCS plan may be able to provide free transportation via a third party.

What’s expected of me?

You’ll need to attend your initial assessment so a clinician can determine if the LADDER program is the right level of care for your needs. It’s also expected for you to attend your appointments and sessions, and if you cannot make it, please contact us within 24 hours to cancel your appointment.

What if I don’t have insurance?

Your treatment services are covered by either your AHCCCS health plan, if you have one, or grant funding. You will not have to pay for any services out of pocket for the LADDER program.

What if I don’t have a medical doctor for primary care?

Terros Health can assist you with all of your health care needs and goals. We offer primary medical care at several of our locations within Maricopa County.

Contact our team at the LADDER Program.

For questions about our LADDER program, you can call, email, or send us a message. We will get back to you within 48 hours.

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/   Specialty services   /  Co-occurring Treatment Program

LADDER  Program

Life-Affirming, Dual-Diagnosis,
Education and Recovery

LADDER Program  |  Northwest Phoenix: 602-685-6127

LADDER Program  |  East Phoenix: 602-512-2984

Climbing to recovery, one step at a time.

L.A.D.D.E.R stands for life-affirming, dual-diagnosis, education and recovery. Our LADDER program works with adults in need of both mental health and substance use treatment. LADDER is a time-intensive day treatment program that offers structure in a supportive manner.  Our clinical experts provide treatment for adults living with co-occurring disorders through group counseling and clinical activities. Patients attend services 3-5 days per week, service duration has an average length of 3-4 months and is tailored to each patient’s individual needs and progress. ¡Hablamos Español!  Our LADDER program is also offered in Spanish.

Monday – Friday | 9:30am – 3pm

Our LADDER program includes free transportation options, complimentary breakfast and lunch, and a personalized treatment plan so patients can fully participate in their recovery goals.

Self-empowerment is possible,
learn about our services.


We accept you where you are in recovery.
We will help you develop strong coping skills
through supportive counseling that will get
you one step closer to recovery.

Support System

We promote family and community support. Our goal is to empower you to lead a healthier, happier lifestyle.


We provide transportation to and from
our LADDER program.


Your team will connect you with community resources and provide you with on-going care during your recovery process.

Visit or call any of our locations today!

 LADDER Program
 51st Avenue Health Center

 McDowell Health Center

For Medical Care     Call  602-685-6000 

Frequently Asked Questions

How long is the LADDER program?
Patients attend services three (3) to five (5) days per week.
Service duration has an average length of three (3) to four (4) months and is tailored to each patient’s individual needs and progress.
How do I get started?

You can call any of our two locations within the Phoenix area, or email:
If you have a case manager, we can coordinate your services with them directly.  You can also visit our LADDER programs in person.

Northwest Phoenix
Terros Health – LADDER Program
51st Avenue Health Center
Call: 602-685-6127

East Phoenix
Terros Health – LADDER Program
McDowell Health Center
Call: 602-512-2984

What if I need help with transportation?
If you live within our pickup areas, we’ll provide you with free transportation to and from the LADDER program.  If you live outside of our pickup areas, your AHCCCS plan may be able to provide free transportation via a third party.
What’s expected of me?
You’ll need to attend your initial assessment so a clinician can determine if the LADDER program is the right level of care for your needs. It’s also expected for you to attend your appointments and sessions, and if you cannot make it, please contact us within 24 hours to cancel your appointment.
What if I don’t have insurance?
Your treatment services are covered by either your AHCCCS health plan, if you have one, or grant funding.  You will not have to pay for any services out of pocket for the LADDER program.
What if I don’t have a medical doctor for primary care?
Terros Health can assist you with all of your health care needs and goals.
We offer primary medical care at several of our locations within Maricopa County.

Contact our team at the LADDER Program.

For questions about our LADDER program, you can call, email, or send us a message. We will get back to you within 48 hours.

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