MEDICAL EMERGENCY? Call 9-1-1 | MENTAL HEALTH EMERGENCY? Call The Statewide solari crisis line 1-844-534-4673 | SCHEDULE AN APPOINTMENT 602-685-6000
Physical and mental health conditions used to be treated in silos. As a result, patients would see a doctor for one condition while another condition may have gone unnoticed. Today, that is beginning to change with organizations like Terros Health adopting an integrated, whole health/whole person model of care.

The model is exactly what it implies – caring for the mind and body as one.

Whole health changes the paradigm of care by helping physicians and other clinicians uncover a patient’s source of pain and evaluate alternatives to prescription drugs like cognitive behavioral therapy and mindfulness-based stress reduction.

We must look differently at the way physicians care for patients and the way we as patients receive care. This is especially true when we’re responsible not just for our own health care, but for several family members, sometimes of multi-generations.

Patients and physicians can work in partnership to treat not just a single ailment, but to work toward overall better health, physically and mentally. If there are signs of mental health issues or addictions of any kind, those can be dealt with in the earliest stages before they take a greater toll on a person’s physical health. This is especially important for the approximately 40 million Americans dealing with a milder form of drug use called “medically harmful substance abuse.”

At Terros Health, we’ve already seen the benefit of this integrated approach. In some cases, we are using behavioral health strategies to treat diabetes, high blood pressure and other chronic diseases.

When it comes to your health care and that of your family, seek out opportunities to address health from this integrated approach. There’s literally no downside – patients win, families win and society wins.

If you would like your family to experience integrated health care or if you are in need of any of our mental health or addiction care services, please call 602-685-6000.