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Leading the way in fight against opioid addiction

Leading the way in fight against opioid addiction

Students from Arizona State University’s Cronkite News provided an exceptional service by shining a light on a problem that has reached epidemic proportions. The problem is opioids, which are killing people nationally and locally at an alarming rate. Sadly in Arizona, one person dies from an opioid overdose every day.

How can we curb drug abuse?

How can we curb drug abuse?

While current actions are a step forward in the war on drugs, we must also focus on early detection and intervention. Much has been said about the meteoric rise of drug abuse in America. What hasn’t been talked about enough are comprehensive strategies for addressing the problem.

Opioids: One More Important Thing to Discuss with Your Children

Opioids: One More Important Thing to Discuss with Your Children

Opioids: One more important thing to discuss with your children Substance Abuse Alcohol. Accepting things from strangers. Marijuana. We’ve been discussing these issues with our kids for years. But are opioids on the list? If not, it should be. Opioids have become one...