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Suicide Awareness
& Prevention

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Suicide Awareness
and Prevention

Suicide Awareness & Prevention in the Time of COVID-19.
September is National Suicide Prevention Awareness Month—a time to share resources, information, and stories to shed light on this highly taboo and stigmatized topic.
During COVID-19, we have seen mental health issues on the rise. In June, the CDC surveyed and found that 40.9% of respondents reported at least one adverse mental or behavioral health condition, including symptoms of anxiety disorder or depressive disorder. Those reporting symptoms of trauma- and stressor-related disorder (TSRD) related to the pandemic was 26%. The survey also found that 13% of respondents had started or increased substance use to cope with stress or emotions related to COVID-19.

Nearly 11% of all respondents reported having seriously considered suicide in the 30 days before completing the survey. The percentage was significantly higher among younger respondents aged 18–24 years – 25.5%, and minority racial/ethnic groups – Hispanic respondents had 18.6% rates, and non-Hispanic Black respondents had 15.1% rates. Individuals who identified as unpaid caregivers for adults or essential workers struggled with about 31% and 22%, respectively, reported considering suicide.

As a trauma-integrated health care company, we know there are risk factors
and warning signs for suicide.

We Can Help.

There are protective factors from suicide, and many involve health care providers – as knowledgeable and responsive, and connecting patients to support services:

  • Strong relationships with individuals, family, and strong connections with community and social institutions.
  • Problem-solving and conflict resolution skills.
  • Contacts with providers (e.g., a follow-up phone call from a health care professional).
  • Effective mental health care; easy access to a variety of clinical interventions.

Difficult conversations may save a life.

One of the best things anyone can do is provide a safe space for someone to talk about their pain. When it comes to the bigger mental health challenges like suicide, self-injury or really questioning one’s mental well-being, ask the individual how they are and be open and direct about what might be going on for them: “I’ve noticed this change in you, and I’m really worried about you. Are you thinking about suicide?”
Getting a little bit uncomfortable sometimes to learn how to ask is important. And if you cannot ask the question when someone is really struggling, make sure to find someone who can – getting an older adult involved or the trusted people in their lives such as neighbors, counselors and older siblings to make sure that person has a safe space.

Every problem has a solution. Please know there is hope, and there is help. Remember, if you or someone you know is in an emergency, call 911 immediately.

If you or someone you know is in crisis or are experiencing difficult or suicidal thoughts, call Crisis Response Network
1-800-631-1314 or 602-222-9444 (Central Arizona)
1-877-756-4090 (Northern Arizona)
or contact the National Suicide Hotline at 1-800-273 TALK (8255).

If you or a family member are struggling, help is just a phone call away! Call us today,
602-685-6000 and get connected to the help you need with our telehealth or in-person counseling services!

Terros Health
27th Avenue Health Center
3864 N 27th Ave
Phoenix, AZ 85017
(602) 797-7000
Need driving directions?

Terros Health
Olive Health Center
6153 W Olive Ave
Glendale, AZ 85302
(602) 389-3560
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Terros Health
McDowell Health Center
4909 E McDowell Rd
Phoenix, AZ 85008
(602) 302-7770
Need driving directions?

Terros Health
Stapley Health Center
1111 S Stapley Dr
Mesa, AZ 85204
(602) 302-7900
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More Help and Resources.

For Medical Care     Call  602-685-6000 

Donate to Terros Health

Your contribution will help in transforming the health
and well-being of families throughout Arizona.

Terros health is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and is also a Qualifying Charitable Organization code 20295.

Every problem has a solution. Please know there is hope, and there is help. Remember, if you or someone you know is in an emergency, call 911 immediately.

If you or someone you know is in crisis or are experiencing difficult or suicidal thoughts, call Crisis Response Network
1-800-631-1314 or 602-222-9444 (Central Arizona)
1-877-756-4090 (Northern Arizona)
or contact the National Suicide Hotline at 1-800-273 TALK (8255).

If you or a family member are struggling, help is just a phone call away!
Dial, 602-685-6000 and get connected to the help you need with our telehealth or in-person counseling services!

Terros Health
27th Avenue Health Center
3864 N 27th Ave
Phoenix, AZ 85017
(602) 797-7000
Need driving directions?

Terros Health
Olive Health Center
6153 W Olive Ave
Glendale, AZ 85302
(602) 389-3560
Need driving directions?

Terros Health
McDowell Health Center
4909 E McDowell Rd
Phoenix, AZ 85008
(602) 302-7770
Need driving directions?

Terros Health
Stapley Health Center
1111 S Stapley Dr
Mesa, AZ 85204
(602) 302-7900
Need driving directions?

More Help and Resources.

Donate to Terros Health

Your contribution will help in transforming the health and well-being of families throughout Arizona.

Terros health is a 501(c)(3)
non-profit organization and is also a Qualifying Charitable Organization
code 20295