Our Story
Terros Health NewsOur story began in 1969
Our Terros Health story is a collection of thousands of individual and family stories of restoring health, finding recovery and sustaining wellness. It is the ongoing story of caring people who inspire change and who never give up on people’s ability to change. We are guided by our core values – integrity, compassion and empowerment. And, in the spirit of our founders, it’s those values that keep us motivated to make a difference, one life at a time.
Reaching out with hope
Little did they know then that their outreach was the beginning of what is now Terros Health.
Down to Earth beginnings
When the Articles of Incorporation were printed, the name was misspelled as “Terros.” Given the magnitude of their task, that seemed but a small issue. The name “Terros” was kept.
The new organization began filling a service gap by providing a safe place for people to stay for a short while. Terros Health developed an outpatient treatment program for substance use disorders, one of the first in Arizona. Each year, the program helped more people recover from addictions.
A holistic approach